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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon : Island Thunder

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Game Name : Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon : Island Thunder
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2007-05-17 02:45:44
Views : 21871

Cheat Mode
During gameplay, press ENTER, type in one of the cheats , then press ENTER again to make it work.
ciscoAchieve objectives one at a time
refillAll inventory items
kit <kit file>Change your kit to specified file
chickenrunChicken grenades
rumbleoffDisable constant shaky screen
rumbleonEnable constant shaky screen
eviltwinEveryone has pink cheeks and beards
quitExit game
runFaster movement
supermanGod mode
hidecorpseHide corpse names
autoloseLose current mission
markMark location on map for teleport
mark2Mark location on map for teleport
extremepaintballPaintball mode
gogetemPlayers hunt down enemies
locReport current location
boomScreen shakes
setgama <0.0-1.0>Set gamma; default is 0.5
namesShow object names
showtexturepropsShow texture properties for objects
squirrelkiteSquirrel launcher
rockTake over enemy bases
teamsupermanTeam God mode
teamshadowTeam invisibility
spawnTeleport to preset locations
toggleshowactorstatsToggle actor stats
toggleaiToggle AI
tracersToggle display of tracers
toggleshoweffectsstatsToggle effect stats
toggleshowframerateToggle framerate display
togglemovetreesToggle freezing trees
toggleshowinterfacestatsToggle interface stats
toggleshowlevelstatsToggle level stats
toggleshowperfcountersToggle performance counters
toggleshowsystemmemorystatsToggle system memory stats
toggleshowtexturememorystatsToggle texture memory stats
toggleshowtotalstatsToggle total stats
toggleuiToggle user interface
ammoUnlimited ammunition
unlockherosUnlock Hero characters
perfView debug counters
autowinWin current mission

Bonus characters
Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding character.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
A. GalinskyComplete Special Objective in Campaign Mission 1 under the Recruit difficulty setting during a Quick Mission in Mission mode.
B. GordonComplete Special Objective in Campaign Mission 6 under any difficulty setting.
D. MunzComplete Special Objective in Campaign Mission 2 under the Veteran difficulty setting during a Quick Mission in Mission mode.
G. OsadzeComplete Special Objective in Campaign Mission 5 under the Veteran difficulty setting during a Quick Mission in Mission mode.
H. RamirezComplete Special Objective in Campaign Mission 2 under any difficulty setting.
J. StoneComplete Special Objective in Campaign Mission 4 under any difficulty setting.
K. HenkelComplete Special Objective in Campaign Mission 3 under any difficulty setting.
N. TunnyComplete Special Objective in Campaign Mission 3 under the Elite difficulty setting during a Quick Mission in Mission mode.
S. GreyComplete Special Objective in Campaign Mission 5 under any difficulty setting.
S. IbrahimComplete Special Objective in Campaign Mission 6 under the Elite difficulty setting during a Quick Mission in Mission mode.
W. JacobsComplete Special Objective in Campaign Mission 1 under any difficulty setting.

Monkey hit by car
In the plantation level, go to the road and follow it until you get to a gate that blocks it off. Look at the ground to see a monkey that has been hit by a car.

Recommended weapons
The best series of weapon combinations to use for online play are the SA80/M136 (Anti-Tank 4) and OICW/20mm Grenade Launcher. It is not recommended that you become a sniper for online play. Many of the players that play online rush other players when each game begins, and a sniper does not have the time to find an area for spotting. Typically, the game will not last long enough for you to be a sniper and many players do not like to wait for another player to find a sniper.

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Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon : Island Thunder Cheat Codes at Game Score
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon : Island Thunder Cheat Codes at Cheat Mad
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon : Island Thunder Cheat Codes at Jumbo Cheats
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon : Island Thunder Cheat Codes at Cheat Patch

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